- 2015: PhD in business law, Tilburg University Law School, Department of Business Law. See link. Thesis title: “Legal & market infrastructure for technology-driven firms”. Subject includes the financing of growth companies, understanding of securities regulations, the landscape of exchanges and relating infrastructure (i.e. post-trade), strategic alliances, venture capital, corporate venturing, etc.
- 2014: Visiting Researcher at University of California at Berkeley. Boalt Hall (Berkeley School of Law, see link) & Fung Institute of Engineering Leadership (College of Engineering, see link).
- 2011: Master’s degree in Engineering – applied computer science, VU Brussel (cum laude). See link.
(Note: the preceding Bachelor’s degree in Technology was undertaken during the two years before law school, and finished alongside law school) - 2010: Graduate Diploma in Finance, University of London under the academic direction of London School of Economics and Political Science. Note: external study: exam participation in London only, no class attendance. See link.
- 2009: Summer school at Harvard University for postgraduate course in Intellectual Property (see link), and online postgraduate course in Private Equity & Venture Capital at Harvard University Extension School (see link)
- 2008: Master’s degree in Law, Ghent University (magna cum laude). See link.
- Various postgraduate courses in European tax law (see link), international tax law (see link), economics (see link), chemistry (see link), informatics (see link), biotechnology (see link), etc.
- 2012-current: Freelance consulting.
- 2008-2009: Lawyer at the Bruges bar, alongside engineering studies.
- Summer 2007: intern at Linklaters LLP, at the Technology Media and Telecom (TMT) department of the Brussels office.
- 2009-2013: Teaching assistant for Economic Law (encompassing topics like contracts and company law) to students in Applied Economics, at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium, campus Kortrijk). Language: Dutch.
- 2011-2012: Lecturer in Business Law towards Bachelor students in International Business Administration, at Tilburg University (The Netherlands). Language: English.
- 2013-2014: Lecturer in Entrepreneurial Finance and Governance towards Bachelor students in Business Law, at Tilburg University (The Netherlands). Language: English.
[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”FRAMEWORK_EU_CROWDFUNDING.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”1100″ style=”embed”]
Other publications:
- NESTA, The Venture Crowd: Crowdfunding equity investment into business, ISBN 978-1-84875-138-5 8: report contributor
- Wiley and Sons, A Guide to Raising Capital on the Internet (Bloomberg series), ISBN 978-1118492970: chapter co-author
- Springer Verlag, Crowdfunding in Europe – State of The Art in Theory And Practice (FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship), ISBN 978-3-319-18017-5: chapter co-author
Does not include publications and reports I worked on in a consultancy capacity.
Speaker or moderator at events
- at events organized by European Association of Development Agencies, Brussels, Belgium (17 February 2012 and 7 June 2012)
- at a financial innovation event organized by ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (29 June 2012)
- at a hearing organized by the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium (26 November 2012)
- at a hearing organized by Barry Sheerman, Member of Parliament at the UK Houses of Parliament, London, UK (July 2013)
- at the opening panel at academic symposium on crowdfunding at University of California, Berkeley, US (November 2013)
- also research group discussion leader at that academic symposium. Specific topic of research group: crowdfunding & venture capital (November 2013).
- at Angel Investing Global Forum, Milan (November 2013)
- at the closing panel at the second academic symposium on crowdfunding at University of California, Berkeley, US (September 2014)
- at Malta Water Week (March 2015)
- at the 4th European ECN Crowdfunding Convention (October 2015)
Plus, attendee at a large number of venture capital and other financial events: Global Corporate Venturing Symposium, EVCA (European Venture Capital & Private Equity Association) Forum, Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum, Cleanequity Monaco, NYSE Euronext Going Public private seminar, UK business angels Annual Angel Investment Awards and Investment Summit, IPO roundtables, Federation of European Securities Exchanges small- & mid cap events, Federation of European Securities Exchanges annual convention, World Exchanges Congress, Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) post-trade conference, etc.
Jury member at venture capital events
- Balkan Venture Forum, Sofia, 21-22 May 2013
- Nordic Venture Forum, Copenhagen, 5 November 2013
- European Venture Contest, Cologne, 21 November 2013
- European Venture Contest, Dusseldorf, 9-10 December 2013 – Alpine Venture Forum, Lausanne, 6 May 2014
- Benelux Venture Forum, Leuven, 17-18 June 2014
- European Venture Contest NRW, Cologne, 30 Oct 2014
- European Venture Contest NRW, Cologne, 12 Nov 2015
Plus, a substantial international network among corporate venturing arms of corporations, technology-driven growth companies, venture capital firms, stock exchange operators, market infrastructure associations and representative bodies, etc.